Friday, September 13, 2013

Chess Photos

Students meet to play chess every Friday from 7:45 to 8:15. We have about 85 students each week. Come join us!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Friday the 13th FYI

FYI Friday Note

Monday is “Dot Day”. We will be doing activities to accompany the theme and book. Please encourage your child to wear clothing with dots. We will also be meeting in friendship groups.

Friday, the 20th, is our field trip to Foster Woods. Please have your child wear pants and tennis shoes. We will be exploring the timber.
It is also the day we do our Tye Dye Project. Your child will need their white t-shirt. If you can volunteer to help from 1:30 to 2, that would be very helpful. That’s the time we will be dying our shirts. Please let me know if you can volunteer.

We had MAP testing in reading. Third grade norms are a score around 190. Ask your child what their score was-they worked very hard! We will test for math on Thursday.

Have a great Friday!! I will on the trails at Volga River with my family, friends, and horses!!

Ms. Meier

Thursday, September 5, 2013